IMG 0618  Photo 1 - To compliment the use of card as the main structure, styrene is used extensively for windows, doors, bargeboards etc.,
1 Photo 1 - To compliment the use of card as the main structure, styrene is used extensively for windows, doors, bargeboards etc.,
IMG 0620  Photo 2 - Redutex has been used extensively for the brickwork and roof
2 Photo 2 - Redutex has been used extensively for the brickwork and roof
fullsizeoutput 25da  Photo 3 - To create the sash windows, I placed a piece of styrene of a suitable thickness behind each opening
3 Photo 3 - To create the sash windows, I placed a piece of styrene of a suitable thickness behind each opening
IMG 0651  Photo 4 - The window frames are painted first, and then the glazing added using a rubber based cement
4 Photo 4 - The window frames are painted first, and then the glazing added using a rubber based cement
IMG 0665  Photo 5 - completed Coal Office
5 Photo 5 - completed Coal Office
Coal Office finished  Photo 6 - completed Coal Office bedded into the layout
6 Photo 6 - completed Coal Office bedded into the layout