QLD - 1096 - Quinton River - Synopsis

QLD - 1096 - BRMA non-British Layouts - "Quinton River" DC 19xx's 4mm/OO 1:76
Gallery1096 - Description
“BROXBURN SIDINGS” Quinton River Railway

Prototype:- A freelance private railway.

Era:- Steam/ Diesel.

Control:- 12 V. DC with all rolling stock and locomotives fitted with AJ (Alex Jackson) couplings for complete hands off shunting operations.

Scale:- “00” (The majority of the rolling stock are British four wheelers).

Description:- “BROXBURN SIDINGS”

A shelf type portable shunting layout in “00” scale with an Australian theme. All buildings, structures Etc. have been scratch built. The railway consists of two main modules and an external three track train turntable. The train turntable allows complete trains to be turned to re-enter the sidings again in the correct way without having to handle the locomotives or rolling stock.

All shunting operation is performed ‘hands off’ by means of the type of couplings fitted to all locomotives and wagons. These couplings are home made using stainless steel wire to the ‘Alex Jackson’ design which allow remote uncoupling and delayed uncoupling of wagons to any siding on the railway. This feature is accomplished in conjunction with electro-magnets installed at various positions under the tracks.