NSW - 0522 - Slaters Wagons - Synopsis

NSW - 0552 - Locomotives and Rolling Stock "Slaters Wagons" Private Owner Wagons - - - 7mm/O
LRSGallery0552B - Description
 Private Owner Wagons
     7mm/O scale  
 Slaters  Kits

The photos show the results of building several Slaters 7mm scale wagon kits. These are very good kits but the older kits suffered a lack of interior detail and most were designed as a rigid four wheel chassis. To be fair, when using normal wheels and having built the wagon nice and square, a rigid chassis works well on reasonable track. However, if like me you super elevate your curves and have a compulsive obsession about keeping all four wheels on the rail, then it helps to compensate or spring the wagons. The sprung wagons ride noticeably better in my view. The photos illustrate how the interior strapping has been added with planking scribed.

The photo of under the wagon illustrates rocking sole bar suspension. Slaters have a channel behind the sole bar and a strip of brass is attached with a screw in the middle. This is simply screwed into the brass block. Either slightly chamfer the top of the sole bar or remove part of the floor to allow a little movement. This system seems to work better than a rocking axle and can be done at home quite simply. Often the wheels are turned n the lathe for those wagons with suspension. This reduces the heavy look Slaters wheels sometimes have. One other key point is that all my wagons are weighted to 110 - 130 grams. This helps enormously with good running.